Kilian Jornet has pushed his body beyond its limits, has suffered multiple injuries, has been exposed to great risks and has broken records that have amazed the world. With an apparent easiness, he has achieved what seemed impossible. But nothing is a result of the chance: since his childhood, he has trained body and mind, and he has prepared thoroughly for both success and failure. Kilian has explored the limits of human endurance, and his exploits, such as the double ascension to Everest, are difficult to overcome.
At the peak of his brilliant career towards the sports elite, Kilian Jornet shares the experience accumulated in his most honest and vitalist book. In Nothing is impossible he offers a valuable lesson that encourages us to make our dreams come true, to run with passion and freedom and above all to enjoy the mountain.
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Kilian Jornet is the world’s fastest mountain climber, ultrarunner, and ski mountaineer and his Summits of My Life project is his most ambitious achievement: the 29 year-old Spaniard challenged ascent and descent records for the world’s most important mountains including Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, Mt. Elbrus, Denali, Aconcagua, and Mount Everest. By using all his talent in ultrarunning, climbing, and skiing, Jornet made worldwide headlines with his jaw-dropping, superhuman climbs.
In this illustrated, info-packed, and awe-inspiring account, Jornet documents his successful attempts to set new roundtrip FKTs (fastest-known times) while following his own ethic of climbing simply, purely, with minimal gear, and with love and respect for the environment and the mountains. Summits of My Life includes his preparation, his successes and failures, facts and elevation maps, and mind-blowing statistics along with Jornet’s personal commentary and inspiring photographs.
With every new record, Jornet achieves the unthinkable and pushes the boundaries of mountaineering, ultrarunning, and ski mountaineering. Now, as his project nears completion, Jornet’s Summits of My Life will awe and thrill readers.
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RUN OR DIE (2011)
"Kiss or kill. Kiss the glory or die in the attempt. To lose is to die, to win is to feel. The fight is what differentiates a victory, a winner." A hero. An extraordinary person. Kilian Jornet is the current Skyrunning World Champion, one of the toughest physical events on the planet. He has go up and down Kilimanjaro more quickly than anyone else in the whole world. It has fulminated all the world records in each challenge that has been proposed: the Ultra-Trail of Mont-Blanc, the Trans-Pyrenees, the return to Lake Tahoe... Run or die is the diary of a winner, a philosophy of life, an exemplary lesson for all of us.
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