Pierra menta, let???s go!

09 marzo 2015
Pierra menta, let???s go!

This was the image I copy to my notebook when I was going to school, Pierre Gignoux and the "Boss" Stephane Brosse, the dominators (with the permision of Meraldi, Pedrini, Boscazzi, Murada, Reicheger, Denis Brunod) they was a strong team, a impresive downhill technique and endurance capacities. They make 5 podiums with other partners (Bibollet and Bret) until 2001 when they start racing together and they win. 

this it was when I put for the 1st time a bib number on my leg. Being a hyperactive children I needed to spend my energy somewhere and I enter to the CTEMC (technification center of ski mountaineering in Catalonia). Before that for me ski mountaineering it was climb up with cross cowntry skis with thin skins and go down with alpine skis (carries on the backpack of my parents) or a really heavy staff on your feet’s making you go superslow. I discovered a entire new world. Yes! Now I can enjoy skiing down, the feeling of pushing and endurance (at this time I was a masochist of endurance sports without any “training control”) and the travel free on mountains during the winter!

And when I start practicing the name who I most hear was “Pierra Menta”. All racers wanted to do one time on life and the ones who raced one time was Someone important. Internet not developed as today was hard to find images like this ones http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1gpjzq_pierra-menta-2000_sport

2002 was my first year on international races and  Graziano Boscazzi and Ivan Murada win the race, I just started to slowly grow on Cadet and  Junior categories becaming a training obsessive with the images of this Boscazzi, Brosse “the boss”, Gignoux (today my boots maker), Denis Brunod or Mani Reicheger motivating me. The 4 days of Pierra Menta, with Mezzalama and Patrouille des Glaciers is one of the races every skimountaineer want to do one time. In 2008 I did my first Pierra Menta, it was my first year on espoir category, the first time I was allow to do the long race and Florent Troillet from Switzerland ask me to race with him. It was a honor for me, Troillet was one of the Big names of the sport and he taked risks to race with a “junior” like me.

It was just perfect, we win all the stages of the race and make two dreams true, participating on Pierra and win. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1gnhgd_pierra-menta-2008_sport

On 2010 we did-it again together for another win, and 2011 Troillet stops racing and I did with Didier Blanc for another win. In 2012 I do-it with a good friend, Marc Pinsach, a young talented from Cassà de la Selva, who as me has been growing as an athlete on CTEMC and we shared the same bedroom during many years around the world on cups and championships, finishing 7th.

After 2 years without Pierra Menta, traveling on Himalayas and Lyngen during this dates this year I come back for my 4th Pierra. Is a special race, the ambiance on Grand Mont, the fatigue on the start of the last day, the friendship created with the racers during the long afternoons… So back again to this child dream, with Marc Pinsach again as a team mate, fighting with the son of Graziano Boscazzi, Miki who will do with the talented Robert Antonioli, with my team mate on other races William Bon Mardion who will push for the win with Xavier Gachet. With Lenzi and Eyda, the young talented Palzer and Antanmatten, Didier Blanc will race with Sevennec this time… With my girldriend Emelie who will do his 1st Pierra Menta with her strong team mate Axelle Morallet. With Mireia who will do it again with Laetitia… with Joan Maria Vendrell and Jorge Palacios for their umpteenth participation… with all the racers and spectators, because Pierra Menta, more than finish 1st, 10th or 100th is to be part of this family.