Fast & Light style: François Cazzanelli

06 mai 2020
Fast & Light style: François Cazzanelli

François Cazzanelli, Alpinist and Mountain Guide

How would you explain the Fast & Light philosophy in one sentence?

Freedom and absolute confidence with the mountain.

Who inspired or mentored you to go in this style?

Erhard Loretan

What are the plus and cons for you?

Plus : safety because we remain less exposed to the objective dangers of the mountain

Cons:  a lot of experience and top physical preparation are necessary. Few climbers have both! 

What does an ascent in fast & light style make you feel compared to traditional style?

I feel much free and more comfortable with the mountain

Do you remember the first climb on f&l ?

The South ridge of the Lyskam Nose 4272 m. plus the Sella Ridge of the Lyskam orientale 4417 m. In 6 hours and 18 minutes 

Your best climb/s in fast & light style? 

The ridge of the Matterhorn up and down in September 2018 with Andreas Steindl in 16 hours and 4 minutes! Super nice memories about this project!

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